Probus About Us

The Club was inaugurated on 23rd March 1977

Newent Probus Club Formed 1977

A meeting was held on Wednesday 23 March 1977 at the George Hotel, Newent, Gloucestershire, England to inaugurate the Newent Probus Club.

Present: Mr O.B. Trick together with the Chairman and Treasurer of the Gloucester Probus Club who gave a short talk on the formation of a club on similar lines to their own. Messrs: J. D. Griffiths, J. Miller, Dr M. G. Robinson, G. H. Blundy, G. Perillo, J. N. Smith, E. Andrews, F. B. Barber, A. Mathews, H. T. Woodhouse, H. S. Jenkinson, P. Titley, G. A. Roberts, R. Ovington.

On a proposal from Mr Andrews, seconded by Dr Robinson, it was agreed that a Probus Club be formed in Newent. The meetings will be held once a fortnight and would be held at the George Hotel, Newent on Tuesdays at 10.30 a.m. The following officers were elected: Chairman Mr J. D. Griffiths; Vice Chairman Dr M. G. Robinson; Treasurer Mr J. Miller; Secretary Mr E. Andrews. Mr Andrews to act as Programme Secretary for the time being.

It was agreed that membership would be restricted to 30. Subscriptions: £2 per year. Coffee and biscuits would be served at meetings at a charge of 30p per member. The next meeting was arranged for Tuesday 5 April 1977




Chairman Fraser Gunn
Vice Chairman Mike Warburton
Secretary Kelvin Ashby
Treasurer Mike Warburton
Committee Members
Programme Secretary Fraser Gunn
Past Chairman
Mike Townsend
Webmaster Ray McCairn
Social Secretary David Clowes
Supernumerary  John Martin
Supernumerary  John Weeden
Associated Appointments
Newsletter Editor Fraser Gunn
Special Lunches John Martin and Kelvin Ashby
Technical Support  John Franklin, Mike Townsend, David Clowes and Ray McCairn
Raffle Organiser Chris Lathan