“WHAT A MASSIVE LOAD OF RUBBISH!” re-cycled by Cyril Twist

28/05/2019 @ 10:00 – 12:00
Newent Memorial Hall

Cyril is member of West Dean Probus Club. He writes “I have been in packaging for over 50 years and all my companies have run processes 24hrs a day, 7 days a week and I have been involved in the manufacture of over ONE MILLION tonnes of packaging. I am proud of this on the one hand because nearly all of the packaging was vital to our society. On the other hand I’m somewhat embarrassed because after use all this product ends up in the dustbin as rubbish; thus the title WHAT A MASSIVE LOAD OF RUBBISH. During the talk I explain why Kelloggs changed from waxed paper to plastic film cereal liners, why and how steam sterilisable packaging was developed for disposable hospital products, how packaging extends the life of fresh produce, how flexible packaging can replace the tin can, etc, etc.