From 25 May 2018, our Club has complied with the regulations introduced by the government relating to the protection of personal data. They are the “General Data Protection Regulations” (GDPR), whose principles apply to large commercial businesses as well as to small clubs like ours.
The law is being refreshed and enhanced and we are required to make some minor changes to our arrangements to ensure compliance. As a club, we hold the personal data you gave us on your application form and make it available on the Members Only part of the website as well as in a membership booklet.
The GDPR requires us to have your positive consent to such data processing and to explain to you why we are holding your data, how long we hold it for, and to whom you can complain – amongst other matters.
The club Secretary will fulfill the role of Data Protection Officer.
This application form for new members has been altered and now includes the information needed by the GDPR. Furthermore, it requires the Chairman’s signature specifically to confirm that consent is given for us to hold your data.
It will also give you the opportunity to update any of your personal data should that be necessary.